Father’s Day Disappointment

Father’s Day Disappointment

Many Fathers have failed their children. We have a whole generation of men who have not been the spiritual leader in their home and have forsaken their duty as fathers. Today the children of so-called Christian men are falling away from what is called the faith, at an alarming rate. Most of these kids go to college and then buy into the world's philosophy of humanism. Even when these kids were still at home and attending church, they were doubtful about Christianity because they saw so little reality in it as it is today. They see how their parents live when away from the church and then how they act when they get around the church or other church members. They see how dad is more excited about the football game than about anything of God. They see how dad pretends to be a Christian when around others who claim to be Christians and how he talks with his friends and to his mother at other times. They see how dad never sits down with them to talk with them about the Lord or teaches them the Word of God. They see how dad is more interested in his sports, his hobbies, his games, his work or his business than anything to do with the things of God. And since the children see all this, they don't sense that there is any reality in the church stuff and so they learn to pretend and play Christian just like dad does. As a result, they pursue their own pleasures and desires just like dad and then go to church and play Christian when they are there. And when they grow up and leave home, they stop pretending anymore and just go and do what they want to do in life. www.christianmyths.org