Only a Few Will Really be Saved

Only a Few Will Really be Saved

Jesus said only a few would enter life. The impression left by today's pastors, prophets, evangelists and teachers is that most people in church are on the way to heaven. It seems that here in the “Bible belt” of the south, that most every­one claims to be a “Christian.” There are approximately 43 million Baptists worldwide as well as 1.2 billion Catholics, 66 million Lutherans and many more millions of Pentecostals and Charismatics. And a large percentage of those numbers are here in America, especially here in the south. That is only considering a few of the major denomina­tions. If you included all the many, many other denominations, you would have to realize there are many more millions that claim to be “Christian.” Your family and friends won't mind you going to church, as long as you don't really change. Attending church, singing a few songs and paying your tithes are not really too hard. There is no cross to bear in that. It is the easy way, the broad way, that most so-called “Christians” choose to take. Did you ever hear of a pastor or evangelist telling someone to calculate the cost of following Jesus first? The cost is this---loss of one's old selfish life, loss of old sins, loss of friends, loss of ungodly family members, loss of one's religion, loss of idols, loss of worldly pleasures and the loss that comes with rejection, persecution, trials, tribulations and difficulties associated with going through the small gate on the narrow way. None of this is accomplished by praying a “sinner's prayer”. Paying this cost will only happen when someone gives his whole heart to God and endures to the end.