The Past, Love & Simplicity

The Past, Love & Simplicity

There is a false concept today today that teaches that in order to get over your past you have to keep revisiting it, dealing with it, talking about it and working through it in order to be healed of the abuses, pains, wrongs, sins, and dissappointments caused by others or done by you in the past. But according to the Word of God our past is hidden in Christ and our sins are removed as far as the east is from the west and God does not remember our past sins or our past hurts anymore because if we have been born again, we are born into a new life and a living hope with a fresh start and we now have a new life in Christ. Old things have passed away and new things have come. I go on to expound on the walk of love and how love does not speculate about others and have evil suspicions but thinks the best until it has reason not to. This walk of love is also related to living a quiet and simple life free from anxioity, fear, excessness, business, worry and just overdoing things in general. The Lord has called us to peace and simplicity with singleness of heart and a simple and clear view of reality.