The Signs and Wonders Movement

The Signs and Wonders Movement

Signs and wonders don't lead to salvation. The true gospel is the POWER that leads to a transformed life. Signs, healings, wonders and prophesies are not the power that saves. Jonah preached repentance at Nineveh and about 120,000 people, the entire population repented and were saved without any signs and wonders being performed, just from the power of the gospel, the Word of God spoken. More than 50 times in the NT, Jesus or the apostles told people to believe the gospel and to repent in order to be saved. They never told anyone to believe in miracles to be saved. Today there is a false message being spread all over American by false prophets that the power of God is manifested in signs and wonders. I tell you that is not the power of God that saves---the power that resurrects the dead soul into a living soul with eternal life---the power that transforms a man into a new creation---the power that gives a man a new heart---the power that conforms one into the image of Jesus--- or the power that causes a man to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit. There is no greater miracle than someone being born again, and that only happens by the Power of the Gospel, not from seeing the supernatural. Countless people were healed by Jesus and saw Him perform many, many miracles, but only a very few were saved, and He only revealed the mystery of the Kingdom to the few who gave Him their whole hearts. Everybody else just got their healings, were delivered from demons, or ate the fishes and the loaves. They were seekers of signs and wonders or the free food but were not seekers of God for repentance of sin. After Jesus had performed countless miracles over a three year period including raising several from the dead and having become well known through-out all of Israel as one sent from God, even as the Messiah and who supernaturally healed probably tens of thousands of people, possibly hundreds of thousands---only a few believed His message in their hearts, only a few were saved and only a few were present on the day of Pentecost to wait on the promise of the Holy Spirit. So, witnessing the signs and wonders really didn't bring people to repentance and salvation.