Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Not all signs come from the Holy Spirit. We live in dangerous times with many false signs and wonders resulting in many manifestations of spiritual gifts also being false. The word of knowledge is simply speaking what you know about something. In the context of edification, it is speaking what you know about the Lord, His Word and His will. When you see a “prophet” on TV or in a meeting, saying that he senses that someone out there has pain in their left leg or that someone just lost their job and God is about to give them a better job or someone is about to get a raise at work or someone is going to get a new car or a better house or is going to be healed of a disease, etc., etc., etc.---THIS IS NOT A BIBLICAL WORD OF KNOWLEDGE! It does not edify---it does not build someone up in the understanding of God's will and purpose---It does not enlighten or inform them concerning God's Word. This is just like fortune telling---it is just like being physic, but not by the Holy Spirit, but by spirit of the Devil---Yes, he may have knowledge that was supernatural, but so does the devil. The devil knows if your leg is hurting or if you lost your job or if you are about to get a raise at work, or you are wanting a new car, but this knowledge does not bring you any closer to Jesus and holiness and does not convict of sin. The physics do the same thing. The sorcerers do the same thing, the witches do the same thing. Stuff like this happens all the time in the new age movement and in the church today. No one in the bible ever used the word of knowledge the way it is used in the “spirit filled” churches today. God is far more concerned with the souls of His people than he is about them getting a new car. And don't you think the Lord would have someone with the knowledge of the Word of God to speak about the sin that is in the church today and call men to repentance rather than just focus on earthly matters? And concerning the gift of healing, time and time again, different faith healers have been exposed as being fake. Countless people have gone to miracle crusade meetings to get their healing only to leave totally devasted and sometimes to later die from their condition.