The Lie of the Tithe

The Lie of the Tithe

Do Christians have to tithe? This podcast will examine what the tithe is and what its purpose was. This question will be answered concerning the church and tithing. After examining the scriptures, it is obvious that the modern teachings on tithing are nothing more than falsehood. They are teachings of men that have been handed down to us for the purposes of men. This tradition has robbed many widows and poor people by extorting money from them, money they often could not afford to pay, by preachers who falsely teach that they must obey the “Law”, or they will be cursed. Sadly, many dear souls who struggle to make a mortgage payment and feed their children are under the same false impression that they must give ten percent of what they earn to the church or a ministry. This false teaching has resulted in many feeling guilty or fearful of being cursed as well as coming under condemnation for feeding their children and paying for their home first, when they did not have enough left over to pay the ten percent to the church. This modern teaching on the tithe is outrageous and a great lie! Here is another point about pastors and tithes. Often pastors judge their members by whether they pay their tithes or not.