False Prophets & False Miracles

False Prophets & False Miracles

Jesus warned us of false signs and wonders. Jesus told us that in the last days that Satan would come with all power producing false signs and wonders. Let us be honest with ourselves. If God has granted Satan power to perform false signs and wonders to deceive, then could Satan heal someone through a false prophet or work some other kind of miracle? Doesn't Satan come as an angel of light? How does he come as an angel of light? Is it not through a preacher or a ministry that appears to do good? But is that ministry saying what God is saying about sin and wickedness in the church and is the focus of that ministry on outward healings and the supernatural or is it on the sinful condition and the more serious need of the church to be healed morally from sin and rebellion to God? Does this prophet or ministry cause people to seek after signs and wonders and the supernatural or cause them to seek after holiness and purity of devotion to Jesus Christ and to be healed of all sin and every practice that is not of God? Does that ministry or preacher seek for your donations? Does he bring glory to himself by making it a show of his “power” or is he humble and refuse to make a show of praying for anyone to be healed? Concerning healing---If a TV evangelist says on TV that he senses that someone out there is having a certain kind of physical problem---wouldn't it be likely that out of thousands listening, that someone would have that exact problem? www.christianmyths.org