False Prophets are Here Today

False Prophets are Here Today

Modern day false prophets are here now. This podcast will go further on exposing false prophets by explaining how to identify a false prophet or a destructive heresy. After stating in the previous podcast that one of the major reasons for the church being full of sin is because of the falsehoods being spoken by modern prophets, pastors and teachers, I go on to expand my message to explain more of why this is true and how to identify a false prophet or a destructive heresy. I also compared some of the modern prophesies I have heard on recent podcasts, YouTube and in some of the church meetings I have been in in the past, with what the Lord is always saying to His people, especially His people who are not right with Him. A lot of what is called the work of the Holy Spirit today is not of the Holy Spirit at all but is another spirit that is being marketed as the Holy Spirit for gain by preachers. God only gives the Holy Spirit to those who obey, not to unrepentant sinners. Included in this podcast are more on the use of false grace to excuse the condition of the church today. I also expose the fact that even the so-called spirit-filled churches do not seem to have the discernment of what prophesies are false and which prophets are false since they are not really exposing them as the prophets of old did. In this podcast I used several scriptures from the old testament prophets as well as the new testament to make the points about how prophesy is being misused so much today. In addition to all this, I showed how the true prophet is not very popular and is often hated, rejected and mistreated by the religious majority and that it has always been that way. The false prophets are loved by the people because they pronounce blessings, prosperity, health, wealth, peace and safety. www.Christianmyths.org