#85: Kari Hohne - All About Dreams!

#85: Kari Hohne - All About Dreams!

Kari is a dream analyst and author, who explores spirituality through nature. She shares her passion for ancient traditions through writing, dream interpretation, music, and technology. She is also a symbology expert and presents her understanding in coordinance with inspiration from nature and the Tao and I Ching wisdom. As an author, she has published 7 books - all of which bridge the gap between environmental consciousness and spirituality. Kari works to inspire tolerance through self-discovery; to make the spiritual tangible through science and nature, and to present the common ideas among our ancient texts that reveal a universal message. Her popular website www.cafeausoul.com is a resource for archetypes and symbols and is an awesome resource for education and dream interpretations. Kari's Website: https://www.cafeausoul.com/



Helen's Instagram:@helendenham_

Helen's Website: www.helendenham.com

Meditate with me at Unplug, the DEN or Be. www.helendenham.com/meditation

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