#26 - 2 Phones, 1 Prank Call and 0 Shame

#26 - 2 Phones, 1 Prank Call and 0 Shame


This past week Mediumjay obtained two brand new iphones in a shipping error. The company that sent them has offered to give him a brand new ipad mini in exchange for him to send them back with express shipping (paid for on his end). Mediumjay and Glen decide to prank call him in this weeks episode and say that Mediumjay (Jeff) was in a horrible car accident from drunk driving and is in critical condition.

After that in this weeks episode we discuss old school movies compared to new movies, a bit of propaganda on the vaccines, absurd work stories, the "homeless panhandlers" scam, and texting vs calling all that and more on The Weekend Show with Mediumjay & XLG.

Be sure to check out our audio versions on spotify, apple, or where ever you prefer to get podcasts when you are on the go: https://www.podserve.fm/series/websit... Check out Mediumjay and his music/gaming/social media here: https://linktr.ee/Cashleaders You can find Glen muttering in a dingy basement about how much better life was with segregation.

Like and subscribe before Mediumjay loses his iphones!