The Tragedy of MacBeth

The Tragedy of MacBeth

Remember when you had to read Shakespeare in high school and you hated it? This is better than that. This podcast episode, I mean. The movie is pretty good too but I'll let you make up your own mind about that. Just don't get all crazy about it, you know. Good things come to those who wait. No need to rush things by poisoning the guards and killing the king. In the grand scheme of things, fate is just out of our hands. Or it's goofing around as three very flexible old women who are really just one flexible old woman pretending to be a bird and doing a dang good job of it. Like for real. Most old women I know can't do a bird impression for crap. I've asked them. Ma'am would you do your best impression of a bird? Laughable. But seriously, none of us really has control of our futures. So don't kill yourself over it. And definitely don't kill other people over it. Because those people probably won't be too happy and they might try to kill you back. I know you think you're invincible but people are tricky. You never really can tell if that's just the trees moving closer to your house or if it's a bunch of people who hate you disguised as bushes making their way downtown. But I digress. What I'm trying to say is that Shakespeare is good and you shouldn't let how you felt about it in the past determine your future.