Open Diary Session The NARC Got in Trouble with His Girlfriend While We Were Still Married

Open Diary Session The NARC Got in Trouble with His Girlfriend While We Were Still Married

Hey guys, I'm so excited that you decided to drop in! I truly believe that I have been blessed with my life's lessons, in order to gain the resilience that it takes for one to share the raw truths that I share within my ODS. Just as in life, nothing is perfect about the deliverance of my ODS. When a memory pops in my mind, in most cases, just as with my daily messages, I'm guided to share them immediately. So, please forgive any background noise. I do hope that whoever takes a peep in, gains the wisdom and strength to start or continue to move forward.

Follow Toxicships Podcast on YouTube, Tiktok, and Instagram for the video version of this ODS.

#narcissist #abuse #survivor #tiffythenarcslayer #toxicshipspodcast