Daily Message️Friday 6/30/23Are They Simply Too Eager to Point Out Your Flaws?

Daily Message️Friday 6/30/23Are They Simply Too Eager to Point Out Your Flaws?

Hey guys, I'm so excited that you decided to drop in! I truly believe that I have been blessed with my life's lessons, in order to gain the wisdom and connection to receive and deliver these daily messages. Just like life, these messages will not always come to you in perfect form. When I receive these messages, in most cases, I'm guided to share them immediately. So, please forgive any background noise. I do hope that whomever the message is for, receives it loud and clear. Follow Toxicships Podcast on YouTube, Tiktok, and Instagram for the video version of this message. #tiffythenarcslayer #toxicshipspodcast #narcissist #abuse #manipulation #survivor