#122. How to Overcome the Mental Resistance | Mathew Park, Jaime Filer, Alvin Brown

#122. How to Overcome the Mental Resistance | Mathew Park, Jaime Filer, Alvin Brown

Welcome to the Trainer Revenue Multiplier Show!

Each week Mathew Park and TRM Chief Mentor Jaime Filer talk about how to build an insanely profitable, systemized, impact-driven, six and seven-figure a-year fitness business.

This week Mathew and Jaime talk with TRM Leader, Alvin Brown about How to Overcome the Mental Resistance.

- At every new level, there is a new devil in our fitness business.

- Where many fitness coaches hit roadblocks is when they grow, hit resistance then back away. - How does a fitness coach overcome resistance? The mental barriers we face need to be overcome. In today's episode, we dig deep into strategies on how to blast through these walls. Freedom, Impact, and Abundance within your business and life await on the other side!