#141. Building (and rebuilding) a multi-six-figure business with Nick Langer and Jaime Filer

#141. Building (and rebuilding) a multi-six-figure business with Nick Langer and Jaime Filer

Welcome to the Trainer Revenue Multiplier Show!

Each week Mathew Park and TRM Chief Mentor Jaime Filer talk about how to build an insanely profitable, systemized, impact-driven, six and seven-figure a-year fitness business.

This week Jaime talks with Nick Langer about Building (and rebuilding) a multi-six-figure business.

Nick Langer, has 14+ years in the coaching industry, Bachelors in Biology/pre-med, owner of BR Physiques, Rexius Nutrition, and Co-owner of Iron Heaven gyms and VHI Supplements.

Their mission is to help past or present athletes optimize hormonal, functional, and mental health in order to achieve their goals!

Today, we talk about how he became as successful as he is, and his pitfalls and failures along the way!