#27. Sales, Marketing and Branding | Jaime Filer and Isaac Miller

#27. Sales, Marketing and Branding | Jaime Filer and Isaac Miller

Welcome to the Trainer Revenue Multiplier Show!

Each week Mathew Park and his co-host TRM Mentor Jaime Filer will be having a round table discussion with a TRM Leader on how to build an insanely profitable, systemized, impact-driven, six and seven-figure a year personal and online training business.

This week we have Jaime and Isaac talking about the 3 most important elements of business... in order!

Sales and Marketing are pretty equal, although sales has a nudge forward. Sales pertains to: The offers you sell, how you conduct a sales conversation, your sales process, how you sell yourself, you're follow up, your confidence, understanding you're worth, your copy ‘writing', overcoming objections, belief in yourself and your product or service, how you convert a lead, your ability to persuade authentically, sales funnels. Marketing is not about putting a ton of advertising out and hoping something sticks, if you go that route, you're going to be rudely awaken. Marketing is understanding who you serve, what type of pain they are in, challenges they are going through and why they came to you in the first place. Then having a thorough understanding of what their desires are and what they want to achieve? Branding comes in third. Branding is like the nice siding that goes on the already well built house. You don't need it to live in the home, although with it, it brings forth a much more pleasant display, better feel and higher value. Once you got your sales rocking and your marketing clear and concise, then we move to the branding. Whether you use your own name as a logo, which many of our TRM coaches do or you have a bigger vision of having coaches work under your umbrella brand and want a separate entity as a logo, either work great. Your brand will have a feel to it. Let's dive in deeper...