#33. Strategy Wins Over Hard Work | Jaime Filer and Mathew Park

#33. Strategy Wins Over Hard Work | Jaime Filer and Mathew Park

Welcome to the Trainer Revenue Multiplier Show!

Each week Mathew Park and his co-host TRM Mentor Jaime Filer will be having a round table discussion with a TRM Leader on how to build an insanely profitable, systemized, impact-driven, six and seven-figure a year personal and online training business.

This week we have Jaime and Mathew talking about success at what cost?

Grinder harder. Hustle more. Sleep less. Success comes at what cost? Depression and suicide are at an all-time high. Divorce has skyrocketed. Hospital stress visits have increased. Hearing the word balance is like taboo, heck some even think you're lazy. Why is this important to talk about for fitness entrepreneurs? Because we are leaders in helping others understand health, vitality and living an optimal fit life. There is the RIGHT stress and then there's DESTRUCTIVE stress. On today's podcast, we talk about how strategy will win over hard work anyday. We deep dive into how a fitness professional can have a thriving business and still have a life!