#64. Kickstart Your Fitness Business with Isaac Miller | Jaime Filer

#64. Kickstart Your Fitness Business with Isaac Miller | Jaime Filer

Welcome to the Trainer Revenue Multiplier Show!

Each week Mathew Park and/or his co-host TRM Mentor Jaime Filer will be having a round table discussion with a TRM Leader on how to build an insanely profitable, systemized, impact-driven, six and seven-figure a year personal and online training business.

This week Jaime talks with Isaac about our new TRM Kickstart Program.

TRM kickstart is for trainers JUST getting their business up and running. It's the precursor to our TRM10K program and is spearheaded by none other than the prolific professor himself, Isaac Miller. Today we dive into who Kickstart is for, why we revamped it, and more!