#19: Yahya, stories (and optimism) from Palestine

#19: Yahya, stories (and optimism) from Palestine

This episode of the Wag Tales is a special edition, unlike other episodes you may have previously heard. In this episode, Megan is joined by her good friend, Yahya. Yahya is a Palestinian man, and an optimist, living in Ramallah in the West Bank, Palestine. He has studied extensively and worked several different jobs, including as an Accountant, a researcher, and an advocate for workers' rights. Megan and Yahya met when he received a scholarship to come to Australia and study social sciences and community development a few years ago.

Megan lived in Nablus in the West Bank in 2016, teaching English to high school students in local villages, and to women starting their own businesses in Nablus. Megan met some lifelong friends while living in Palestine and cannot put into words the level of care and friendship extended to her during her stay. Megan and Yahya did not meet while she was living there, however, when he received his scholarship, some mutual friends put them in touch, and they met several times while Yahya was in Australia on his scholarship.

In this episode, Yahya shares what the day-to-day life in the West Bank is currently like. He talks about the challenges of travelling between villages and cities, the violence from Israeli settlers, and the experience of those being arrested and imprisoned. Yahya shares some personal experiences and some challenges his family has recently faced in their village. He also shares his optimistic side and how embracing day-to-day life, despite the struggle of occupation, is their own way of resistance.

Yahya recommends checking out these sources for more information and education on Palestine:

Visualising Palestine: https://visualizingpalestine.org/

The Palestine Academy: https://www.thepalestineacademy.com/

Host: Megan Corcoran, Wagtail Institute, https://wagtailinstitute.com/

Music by Kabbilistic Village https://kabbalisticvillage.com/