#23: In conversation with Graeme Baird, responding to the Senate Inquiry on disruptive behaviour in Australian schools

#23: In conversation with Graeme Baird, responding to the Senate Inquiry on disruptive behaviour in Australian schools

In this episode, Graeme Baird and Megan Corcoran come together to discuss the Senate Inquiry on disruptive behaviour in Australian schools. Both Graeme and Megan are passionate about this topic, having worked extensively with young people who present with behaviour that could be considered “disruptive.”

To try and make sense of the inquiry, Graeme and Megan unpack the 2 approaches used by schools and in various settings with young people. The first approach they refer to is behaviourism (the more traditional approach), and the other is the trauma-informed approach. They spend the episode combating the myths, the criticisms, the potential misuse of these approaches, and the unexpected similarities.

We'd like to invite you to add to this conversation by sharing your thoughts or questions with us on Linked In. You can do so by connecting with Megan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/megan-corcoran-a5ab1738/

If you missed Graeme's first appearance on the Wag Tales, you can find him in Episode 4 on all platforms. In Episode 4 we discuss the importance of mentorship and the role Graeme played as Megan's mentor throughout her career. More on Graeme's work can be found here: https://mcalpineb.com.au/

The report from this Senate Inquiry is scheduled for February 7: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Education_and_Employment/DASC

Host: Megan Corcoran, Wagtail Institute, https://www.wagtailinstitute.com/

The episode is brought to you by our sponsor, Teachers' Well. You can learn more about their work or purchase a compass journal here: https://www.teacherswell.com/

Music by Kabbilistic Village https://kabbalisticvillage.com/