#1: Ronen Shoshan, the transformative power of music therapy

#1: Ronen Shoshan, the transformative power of music therapy

Ronen Shoshan is the Director of the Mind Tune Institute (www.mindtuneinstitute.com.au). He is a counsellor, music therapist, student of psychology, father of 2 and a lifelong musician.

Ronen provides music therapy to 1:1 counselling clients and to groups of primary and secondary school students. Ronen shares the transformation his clients experience through the process. He also trains teachers and service providers on how to implement music therapy into their settings.

He shares with us where music therapy began, some tips on how the education system could be improved (he was previously a teacher, too) and some gems of how we can take steps towards our own healing.

Host: Megan Corcoran, Wagtail Institute

Music by Kabbalistic Village kabbalisticvillage.com/