Episode 48: Introducing the Expansive Visionaries Collective! What a Community of Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs Looks Like

Episode 48: Introducing the Expansive Visionaries Collective! What a Community of Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs Looks Like

Are you an entrepreneur looking to connect and grow in a heart-centered community?

In this episode, Hannah Chapman, CFP, APMA, CRPC talks to Alex Pursglove, business coach and spiritual guide, about their new community, the Expansive Visionaries Collective! Listen in as they describe their mission to help you and your business align and flourish.

Learn more:

  • How the idea was birthed

  • The vision for a judgment-free space for entrepreneurs to learn and grow together, forming meaningful, life-long relationships

  • Bringing together sales, financial literacy, human design, and spiritual and emotional growth (personal evolution)

  • Creating a safe and intimate space to be seen, heard, and expressed; a space to reflect

  • The support, training, and connections you will receive in the peer-to-peer mastermind and broader network

  • What to expect from the online meetings and in-person retreats

  • What separates this program from many others

Learn more about the Expansive Visionaries Collective and connect with Hannah or Alex to apply:


Connect with Alex:

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/alexpursglove

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/alexpursglove/

Free eBook - https://alexpursglove.co/cultivating-deeper-trust

And connect with Hannah and X² Wealth Planning here: X² Wealth Planning

Website: https://x2wealthplanning.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hannah.chapman.cfp

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hannahchapmanfinancialadvisor/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannahrchapman/

Expansive CEO Website: https://expansiveceo.com/freegift

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