Episode 1: Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself

Episode 1: Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself

Hannah Chapman, CFP, APMA, CRPC introduces Expansive CEO and X-squared Wealth Planning, and talks about how imperative it is to address the emotional side of money along with the logical, structural side of money when working with visionary entrepreneurs. You can have the prettiest charts and graphs, the most brilliant financial strategies and investment options...and none of that matters if we don't address how we feel about those charts and graphs and strategis.

But once we do, and we align how we're thinking and feeling about money with how we're investing and spending and saving money...WATCH OUT because that's how visionary entrepreneurs can really change the world and make a dent in the universe. If you're that visionary entrepreneur wanting to build your business and your personal wealth with ease and flow, let's talk about how your business and personal wealth can grow while enjoying your life and making an impact on the world! Connect with Hannah and X² Wealth Planning here: https://x2wealthplanning.com/ https://www.instagram.com/hannah.chapman.cfp And at Expansive CEO here: https://ExpansiveCEO.com

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