Episode 29: Love and Money Stories With Megan Pastrana

Episode 29: Love and Money Stories With Megan Pastrana

In today's episode, Hannah Chapman, CFP, APMA, CRPC, joins Megan Pastrana, an immigration lawyer, to discuss the sensitive topic of love and money stories. This episode sheds light on the emotions that our money stories are tied to and how they affect our relationships with money. Couples, especially those in the context of immigration, have to confront intimate aspects of their finances early on in their relationships. By understanding our own money stories and being aware of our partner's stories, couples can navigate these complex conversations and grow their relationships. The consequences of not having these conversations can be dire, with financial issues being a significant contributing factor in divorce.

Together, Hannah and Megan discuss the power dynamics and potential resentment that can arise in joint finances, especially when it comes to conforming to the traditional view held by immigration authorities. They suggest that couples should start by identifying what they each want for their future and work from there to find a compromise. Through working towards a "yours, mine, and ours" approach to joint finances, couples can avoid resentment and build a stronger relationship. Communication and vulnerability are key in these conversations, and one person's decision to make a change can have a powerful ripple effect on the relationship. In short,today's episode offers the sound advice that, by being aware of our own and our partner's money stories and communicating openly, couples can create a stronger and more sustainable relationship.

Connect with Megan:

Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/megan-pastrana-a1b8441b9/

Immigration for Couples LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/immigration-for-couples/

Website: https://immigrationforcouples.com/

Connect with Hannah:

X² Wealth Planning Website: https://x2wealthplanning.com/

Expansive CEO Website: https://expansiveceo.com/freegift

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hannah.chapman.cfp

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hannahchapmanfinancialadvisor/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannahrchapman/

Hannah's upcoming webinar: https://go.eventraptor.com/summit/wealthy-women-rising-summit-2305/hannahchapman2

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