Let the Prophets Speak
Let the Prophets Speak
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Isaiah 19a - Egypt's Burden - Too many gods
Isaiah 18 - Spread the Message of God to the Ends of the Earth
Isaiah 17 - Partners in Crime
Isaiah 16b - Arrogance and Pride, Once Again
Isaiah 16a - Shelter for the Refugees
Isaiah 15 - My Heart cries out to you, Moab
Isaiah 14c - The Burden of the Philistines
Isaiah 14b - The Babylonian King Descends to Hell
Isaiah 14a - The Oppressed become the Masters
Isaiah 13b - Destruction of Babylon
Isaiah 13a - The Burden of Babylon
Isaiah 12 - The Song of Redemption
Isaiah 11b - The Ingathering of the Exiles
Isaiah 11a - The Days of The Mashiach (Messiah)
Isaiah 10d - The Remnant SHALL Return
Isaiah 10c - The strength of my hand, my great wisdom
Isaiah 10b - They are all the same, I can crush them all
Isaiah 10a - Which Society will last, which will be destroyed
Isaiah 9b - Irredeemable
Isaiah 9a - The light will shine through
Isaiah 8c - They Just Won't Listen!
Isaiah 8b - Don't get caught up in the mob
Isaiah 8a - Plan Against us, but you will not Succeed
Isaiah 7d - Milk and Honey
Isaiah 7c - The True Strength of Israel
Isaiah 7b - A Son Will be Born
Isaiah 7a - Foreign Policy 101
Isaiah 6a - Holy Holy Holy
Isaiah 5c - Gas lighters beware
Isaiah 5b - Eat, Drink, and be Merry, because ...
Isaiah 5a - The Song of the Vineyard
Isaiah 4 - The Seedlings of God Sprout Forth
Isaiah 3b - Arrogance Corrupts Women Too
Isaiah 3a - Corrupt Leadership, will it ever change?
Isaiah 2c - How little is mankind
Isaiah 2b - the Haughty and the Sorcerer
Isaiah 2a - Beat their swords into plowshares
Isaiah 1c - Arrogance is the fatal flaw
Isaiah 1b - Why doesn't God listen to our prayer?
Isaiah 1a - Why do we suffer so?
Let the beautiful words of the Prophets inspire and challenge you.
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