National Police Association Podcast 71 with Dave Smith, former police lieutenant and trainer for “Winning Mind Seminars.”

National Police Association Podcast 71 with Dave Smith, former police lieutenant and trainer for “Winning Mind Seminars.”


02:55 "Law enforcement is a lot like any high-level sports activity. You're going to make critical decisions under great stress, often under physical duress."

06:27 "Deadly force is defined as that amount of force that cause serious bodily injury or death. Serious bodily injury. Multiple assailants attacking you is deadly force. Someone striking your head with any object, including fists, can be deadly force."

09:32 "Criminality comes from a lot of things, a lot of motivations, partly because of the nature of mankind and that's one of things we're not allowed to talk about is the nature of evil. People can be evil. People can be misguided."

15:38 "Our primary job is dealing with victims and people who are in crisis, not dealing with criminals. And that's what people don't understand."

17:02 "We're seeing part of chaos in these communities is that we're going to see people allowed to break laws to aggravated assaults, to do vandalisms, and they just turn their backs to them. They call it a protest. A riot's not a protest."



In this episode of the National Police Association Podcast, Sgt. Betsy Smith interviews Dave Smith aka JD Buck Savage, former police lieutenant and trainer for “Winning Mind Seminars.” Dave discusses how athletic training conditions police in the face of deadly force, criminality's roots in culture and human nature, and the primary duty of police in healing communities. Dave also comments on weak links with officials of the executive branch aggregating laws and prosecutors who refuse to prosecute criminals.



02:22 Using athletic training to hone police decision-making

07:48 Criminality: A taboo subject rooted in nature and nurture

11:14 Defunding and re-imagining policing negatively affect citizens

16:23 Weak links in law enforcement are in the executive branch

18:32 Eliminating "warrior training" is a mistake



National Police Association