Episode 10: The Next Version of You with Guided Journey

Episode 10: The Next Version of You with Guided Journey

In today's episode, I talk about the energetics that are supporting us in a rebirth right now, stepping into the next level of ourselves if we so choose.

We've just come through the astrological new year, a full moon all about releasing old versions of ourselves, and the equinox shifting us from winter to spring/darkness to light. I guide us on a life vision journey with journaling prompts. Then invite you to join a 90 day challenge to align your actions and show the universe you are ready for this next version of yourself. I hope you'll join me! Journaling prompts:

Who would you need to be to make this vision come true?

What would you need to let go of?

What healing would need to take place?
Who or what would you need to forgive (including yourself)?
How would you need to show up in the world?