#82 Separation & Holiness with Evangelist Donnie King

#82 Separation & Holiness with Evangelist Donnie King

The Series is Finally here!! We've been working on this for months behind the scenes. Join us today as we start a mini series on the topic of Holiness, more specifically on Appearance what we call Holiness standards. We have dealt with about every avenue thats around this topic of Holiness since we started this podcast. You can go through our other episodes and find topics within them about our speech, our behavior, our attitudes, our feelings, our actions, places we go, and more. You can't claim Holiness unless your Holy in all of these areas plus the standards of appearance. In our opinion Holiness is three-fold in our Attitudes, Actions, and Appearance. Now let us tackle this topic of appearance. We didn't hold back, we've dove into this subject to give our listeners the biblical teaching of how we should look and dress. We aren't here to just stay on a wagon, and make people mad but are called to preach the truth no all. Let's talk about Holiness in this mini series, and it'll be over a month of it for sure! Hang on!